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Thank you so much for your support of the Daughters' Guild and Seattle Children's Hospital.

We could not continue to provide quality heathcare to kids and families in our area without your generous contributions!

Our sponsorship opportunities are as follows.

Please feel free to reach out with any questions - jboyeson@gmail.com. 

Package Name Amount Quantity Subtotal

Platinum Sponsor ($10,000) (6 included) $0.00
  • Category exclusivity 

  • Prominent placement of logo on all marketing and communication 

  • Prominent placement of logo and link to your website on Toast to Tots event website, auction page, Facebook/Instagram and other promotional communication  

  • Verbal acknowledgement as the Platinum Sponsor at least 4x during event

  • At least 2 dedicated social media posts, focused solely on thanking and promoting your organization/logo/website 

  • Six tickets to the event

Gold Sponsor ($5,000) (4 included) $0.00
  • Placement of logo on all marketing and communication 

  • Placement of logo and link to your website on Toast to Tots event website, auction page, Facebook/Instagram and other promotional communication  

  • Verbal acknowledgement as the Platinum Sponsor at least 2x during event

  • 4 tickets to the event

Silver Sponsor ($2,500) (4 included) $0.00
  • Placement of logo on all marketing and communication 

  • Logo and link to your website on Toast to Tots event website, auction page and Facebook/Instagram

  • Verbal acknowledgement as the Silver Sponsor at least 1x during event

  • 4 tickets to the event

Bronze Sponsor ($1,000) (2 included) $0.00
  • Logo and link to your website on Toast to Tots event website, auction page and Facebook/Instagram

  • Verbal acknowledgement as the Bronze Sponsor at least 1x during event

  • 2 tickets to the event

Toast Sponsor ($500) (2 included) $0.00
  • Logo and link to your website on Toast to Tots event website, auction page and Facebook/Instagram

  • 2 tickets to the event

Taste Sponsor ($250) (2 included) $0.00
  • Logo and link to your website on Toast for Tots event website, auction page, Facebook/Instagram and promotional flyers  

  • Verbal acknowledgement from the MC



Thank you to our generous sponsors!